„The Air We Borrowed” – Key Air Quality Actions

The Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises re-organised its long-running air pollution control conference to mark World Environment Day. On 7 June 2023, Barbara Bezegh presented the achievements of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project to a professional audience. The event, held at the headquarters of the National Meteorological Service (OMSZ), was attended by nearly 100 professionals.

The Head of the Directorate of International Projects of Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd. spoke about the work of the eco-manager network established as part of the project, as well as the completed air quality modelling and decision support tool. Barbara Bezegh reported on the professional and awareness-raising activities of the company and its partners related to the project:

The 8-year air pollution control project, now halfway through, involves 10 Hungarian cities. One of their most important tasks is the renewal and revision of air quality plans. Additionally, an eco-manager network has been set up, and several national awareness-raising campaigns (komPOSZTold, TekAIR) have been implemented. The website www.pmmonitoring.hu informs the public about current ambient air quality in Kaposvár and Miskolc. The outdoor measuring units (60 in Miskolc and 20 in Kaposvár) were developed by the University of Miskolc.

The presentations from the conference are available on the website of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises.

Source: Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises