The Municipality of the City of Miskolc
Miskolc is the fourth most populous city in Hungary and the centre of the North-Hungarian region. It is home to numerous natural treasures, including the unique Cave Baths, Lillafüred with the country’s highest waterfall, Lake Hámori, the St. Stephen's Cave, and the Avas Mountain, which rises in the heart of the city. Visitors can also admire Hungary's first stone theatre, the Avas Lookout, Diósgyőr Castle, the Palace Hotel and the largest iconostasis in Central Europe.
For more information about the city:
While Miskolc has a history as a hub for heavy industry, its most important sectors include automotive, electronics, chemicals and food production. Air pollution is no longer primarily industrial but smog episodes are common during the heating season under unfavourable weather conditions.
Actions in the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project
The Miskolc component of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project is implemented by the Municipality of Miskolc in cooperation with the University of Miskolc and MIKOM Miskolc Communication Nonprofit Ltd.
High-resolution air quality measurements are essential for developing measures to reduce particulate matter (PM) pollution. Preparations are underway to establish a high-resolution PM monitoring network. Monitoring units will be installed at local institutions, companies and residences, with the data transmitted to a central database for validation, evaluation and storage. The public will be informed about PM pollution levels through a website, a mobile app, and other communication channels, offering advice and warnings.
Additionally, efforts to improve air quality in Miskolc include banning the burning of garden waste and promoting composting. From 2021, the burning of green waste will be banned nationwide; however, the ban's effectiveness depends on implementing complementary measures. The program components will be designed, coordinated and implemented by the Eco-management Office established under the project. Improved public information, environmental awareness campaigns, composting promotion, and educational initiatives are expected to reduce PM emissions from households.
For more information: hungairy [at] (hungairy[at]miskolc[dot]hu)