Sustainable gardening in Miskolc: free compost frames available for pruning waste

Pruning is the most common spring gardening chore and often results in garden waste that many people are unsure how to handle. The municipality of Miskolc assists residents by distributing compost frames for free as part of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project.


What should we do with pruning clippings? The first thought might be to burn the cut branches in a bonfire. However, this is not advisable because burning garden waste has been banned in Miskolc since September 2020, and doing so could result in fine.

So, what can be done with the woody remains? Here are some suggestions:

Simply pile the branches in a secluded part of the garden where they will slowly decay, providing habitat for hedgehogs or birds.

Use the branches and twigs to build a hedge or fence to keep out uninvited visitors, or to create new habitats and shelters for a variety of creatures.

Weave frames around planting beds or use the branches to make stakes and supports for peas and beans. Protect hedges with braids made from twigs and branches.

Chip the branches and store the chips in a much smaller area. Use the chips as mulch to help soil retain moisture and provide nutrients for plants as they decompose. Dried chips also make excellent fuel for wood fires in winter.

Layer green garden waste produced in late spring and summer with wood chips to make better compost. Use thicker and thinner wood pieces for raised beds without chopping. Thicker pieces of wood can also be stored indoors for winter fuel to dry and be used as winter fuel.

If you still have excess waste after trying these options, you can drop off your organic waste at one of the 3 waste yards in Miskolc. The municipality also offers composting assistance at home. Residents of Miskolc can apply for composting frames free of charge at the Customer Service of the Miskolc Municipality Mayor's Office and the Eco-manager's Office, online at hungairy [at] (hungairy[at]miskolc[dot]hu) or by downloading the application form from


Source: Miskolci napló