The ATMO-Plan decision support application


A.1.1 Deliverables (2) - Regional database for use in CTM model + EISSA application configured

A.1.2. Deliverable - High resolution emission database as input for the air quality modelling action

C.1.1. Deliverable - A user friendly map viewer to visualize and analyse the resulting high resolution pollutant concentration maps

C.1.1. Deliverable - Validation report for the ATMOSYS modelling chain

C.1.2. Deliverable - Deployment of the ATMOSYS Planning decision support tool in Hungary


Developing green forest sectors in Debrecen


A.12. Deliverable - Feasibility study of green area pilot action

C.13. Deliverable - Creation of green area(s) in the western part of the city


Developing a community cycling system in Eger


Improving the K-Puszta background pollution monitoring station with calibration equipment


Air quality monitoring stations - Békéscsaba, Kaposvár


Air quality pilot house in Karcag


HungAIRy PM monitoring network in Miskolc and Kaposvár


A.13. Deliverable - Installation plan of monitoring system

A.13. Deliverable - Periodic report of PA phase 1

A.13. Deliverable - Technical description, operation and maintenance plan of the monitoring system

C.14. - Deliverable -  Operating downloadable mobile application for monitoring system

C.14. - Deliverable- Educational material and plan for the involvement of seconday schools


Reducing green waste incineration in Miskolc


A.14. Deliverable - 1st phase report PA

A.14. Deliverable - Action plan of composting program

A.14. Deliverable - Awareness raising programs’ action plan and curriculum

A.14. Deliverable - Strict local government regulation of waste burning

A.14. Deliverable - Survey report 2019 of waste burning

A.14. Deliverable - Training of 50 Municipal Inspectors

C.15. Deliverable - Audit report on waste incineration I.

C.15. Deliverable - Audit report on waste incineration II

C.15. Deliverable - Audit report on waste incineration III

C.15. Deliverable - Report on the results of the composting program I
C.15. Deliverable - Report on the results of the composting program I._Annex 5
C.15. Deliverable - Report on the results of the composting program I._Annex 6

C.15. Deliverable - Report on the results of the composting program II

C.15. Deliverable - Reporting on the implementation of awareness-raising activities I

C.15. Deliverable - Reporting on the implementation of awareness-raising activities II


Smart parking system in Pécs


A.16. Deliverable - Detailed concept of the smart parking system

A.16. Deliverable - System description of the mobile application

C.17. Deliverable - 640 parking spaces equipped and final version of mobile application

C.17. Deliverable - Operating mobile application


Green Space Inventory - systematic registration of green spaces in Pécs  


C.18. Deliverable - Available test version + Released version of the web interface


Traffic counting in Szolnok - for cleaner air


A.18. Deliverable - Detailed plan of the automatic traffic counting system
A.18. Deliverable - Detailed plan_Annex_1_Elhelyezesi_terv_Szolnok_forgalomszamlalo_felszerelese
A.18. Deliverable - Detailed plan_Annex_2_ Szenzor_telepítési_terv


Community bicycle system development in Tatabánya


Construction of sensor air quality monitoring stations in Tatabánya


Other partial results related to ongoing actions


A.3. Deliverable - Methodology for selecting eco-managers

A.4. Deliverable - Digital (e-learning) training materials

A.8.1. Deliverable - Best practise collection on limited PM10 emission technologies in agriculture

A.8.2. Deliverable - Assessment of the biomass consumption in Békéscsaba

A.8.2.Deliverable - Assessment of the biomass consumption in Eger

A.8.2. Deliverable - Transferability and replicability plan on the optimization of biomass supply chain
A.8.2. Deliverable - Transferability and replicability plan on the optimization of biomass supply chain_Annex_1
A.8.2. Deliverable - Transferability and replicability plan on the optimization of biomass supply chain_Annex_3

A.8.2. Deliverable -Study on the operation of the biomass supply chain

C.9.2. Deliverable - Report on the implementation of the transferability and replicability plan
C.9.2. Deliverable - Report on the implementation of the transferability and replicability plan_Annex1
C.9.2. Deliverable -Report on the implementation of the transferability and replicability plan _Annex2

A.10. Deliverable - Elaborated regulatory environment for the new ”Peer-to-peer Lift Sharing” public service

A.11. Deliverable - Elaboration of the “Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden” development plan

A.11. Deliverable - Elaboration of the “Chimney-free city centre” development plan

C.12.1. Deliverable - 1 operating mobile application

C.12.2. Deliverable - Local forums and information days on the results of the district heating plans

A.15. Deliverable - Detailed concept plan for investigation of the energy performance

C.22. Deliverable - I. Report on Best Practises for Air Quality Improvements

D.1. Deliverable - Environmental impact monitoring plan

D.1. Deliverable - Monitoring report on the environmental impacts of the project actions I.

D.1. Deliverable - Evaluation report of the air quality at the beginning

D.3-D.4. Deliverable - Social and economic impact monitoring plan and monitoring template

D.3.-D.4. Deliverable - Monitoring report on the social and economic impact of the project actions I

E.3.2. Deliverable -Dissemination plan